Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Too wet to play outside!

70 degrees in January?  Something isn't right!  Strong gusty winds and heavy thunderstorms rolled through our city last night, so we couldn't go outside today.  That's time inside is always fun!

These sweet girls decided to spend their free time sorting work in our mailboxes!  Thank you, ladies!


Our weekly phonics skill is the sound /oi/ spelled oi or oy.  After learning on Monday that one of our spelling words is corduroy, Evelyn brought her book to school, and Claudia and Viviana wore corduroy pants to help us understand the new word!  Thanks girls!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We can subtract!

We have been studying subtraction, with and without regrouping.  Check out some of our activities!

More pictures coming soon!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Class News Jan. 28-Feb.1

What’s New in
Grade Two?
Jan. 28- Feb. 1, 2013

 Keep selling those World’s Finest Chocolate bars!  We NEED a NEW playground!   I’ve already sold 250!  If I sell more than the other teachers, Mrs. Cramer will teach our class for a ½ day, while I get to go HOME!!  I love you kiddos very much, but I love a ½ day to myself too!

Parent/Teacher conferences will be February 18th from 1-3.  I would like to meet with each family this time, but it will be impossible to see everyone on this day.  I am hoping to make arrangements with many of you to meet right after school during the week before.

Mrs. Allen

Important Dates

Feb. 8              Last Day to sell Chocolate!
Feb. 18            No School
                        P/T Conferences 1-3pm
Feb 21             Class Picture Day!
Mar. 11-15     Spring Break
Mar. 29           Good Friday
Apr. 23-26      TCAP Testing
May 22           Last day of school!

Reading/Language Arts

Story: I Like Where I Am (Narrative Poem) by Jessica Harper
Comprehension: Theme and Plot, Summarize
Grammar:  Adverbs:when and where, Review Adjectives
Fluency:  Accuracy, Pace, Intonation  Current goal = 74-84 wpm
End of year goal = 120 wpm
Spelling/Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy
Vocabulary: Synonyms,Context Clues

Click HERE to play games and practice skills for this week's story!
Click HERE to practice adjectives!  What level can you reach?
Click HERE to practice summarizing and sequencing.
Click HERE to practice identifying synonyms!

Spelling words

joy   noise   royal   moist   broil    cowboy   spoil   joint   foil  
enjoy   destroy   loyal   employee   corduroy   turquoise

Dictation Sentences
Could you enjoy the show with all that noise?
The crowd was full of joy when they saw the cowboy.

Click HERE to play games on Choose the title of this week's story.


Three-digit addition and subtraction

Click HERE to practice adding with regrouping.
Click HERE to practice identifying money.


Recognize that plants and animals are made up of smaller parts and use food, water, and air to survive.

Click HERE to play games all about how living things live and grow. 
Social Studies

Natural resource vs. Finished product
Major products of Tennessee
Money vs. Barter
Imports vs. Export

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, MLK, Jr!

To learn more about Martin Luther King, Jr, play games, and understand why this day out of school is so important, click HERE.

This is our bulletin board of mobiles that tells what our dreams are...

It's almost unimaginable that blacks and whites were once segregated.  Thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others who fought for us without using their hands, our classroom is diverse and very colorful...and we LOVE it that way!  Our skin may be different, but our hearts are the same, we cry the same, and we bleed the same.  As you can see from the dreams below, this world still has problems, but at least we all have the right to be treated equally!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Class News Jan. 21-25

What’s New
in Grade Two?
January 21-25, 2013

What a week we had last week!  Those cold and icy days distracted us quite a bit.  We were all excited to go home early on Tuesday.

We celebrated the 100th day on Friday with lots of activities that were all about 100.  We counted to 100 by 2's,5's, 10's, 25's.  We even did sets of ten push-ups, jumping jacks, lunges, claps, snaps, ballerina twirls, hops on one foot, etc. until we reached 100.  Boy, were we exhausted!  Check out the previous post to see pictures of some of our workstations. 

Parent/Teacher conferences will be February 18th from 1-3.  I would like to meet with each family this time.  It will be impossible to see everyone on this day, so I am hoping to make arrangements with many of you to meet right after school during the week before.

World’s Finest Chocolate sales have begun!!  Sell, sell, sell so we can earn that new playground!

Important Dates

Jan. 21            No School-MLK Jr. Day!
Jan. 22            Candy Bar Sales begin!
Feb. 18            No School-Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-3pm
Mar. 11-15      Spring Break
Mar. 29           No School-Good Friday
Apr. 23-26      TCAP Testing
May 22            Last day of school!

Reading/Language Arts

Story: Frogs (Expository Nonfiction)
Comprehension: Compare and Contrast
Grammar:  Adjectives that compare
Fluency:  Accuracy, Pace, Intonation  Current goal = 74-84 wpm
End of year goal = 120 wpm
Spelling/Phonics: Diphthongs ou, ow
Vocabulary: Suffixes

Click HERE for games and activities all about this week's story and skills.

Spelling words

around   about   gown   sound   flower   howl   ground   pound   crown 
south   mouse   downtown   mountain   boundary   drowsy

Dictation Sentences
We can walk around the south part of downtown.
The mouse on the ground did not make a sound.

Click HERE to play games on Choose the title of this week's story.


Subtract one digit numbers for speed and  fluency
Subtract two-digit numbers with and without regrouping

Click HERE to learn all about subtraction with and without regrouping.  You'll find lessons, flashcards, games, and much more!


Recognize that plants and animals are made up of smaller parts and use food, water, and air to survive.

Click HERE to play games all about how living things live and grow. 

Social Studies

Identify basic human needs.  Classify needs and wants using pictures of common items.
Understand fundamental economic concepts (goods, services, consumers, and producers)         

100th Day of School!

Today was a very special day!  We celebrated our 100th day of being in 2nd grade.  During our Morning Meeting we shared about some things we would like to have 100 of and some things that we would NOT like 100 of.

Later in the day we paired up into 10 groups and created a motion or action we could do in sets of ten...working up to 100.  We were exhausted after doing sets of jumping jacks, lunges, push-ups, ballerina spins, claps, snaps, hops on one foot, etc.  Boy, is Mrs. Allen out of shape!!

Check out some of our workstations this morning...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser

Last year our school raised $5,000!!  Can you believe it?  We did a fantastic job.  Well, guess what?  Mrs. Cramer, our fabulous principal, thinks we can do better...

Her goal for our school is to DOUBLE it and raise $10,000!!!  Why?  So we can get a new PLAYGROUND!!  Let's show her we can rise to her challenge.  Let's all sell more than ever so we can have a brand new playset on the east side of our building!

1 chocolate bar = $1

Check out these fabulous prizes you can earn!  Lunch with Mrs. Cramer off campus?  Whoa!!

...and the teachers have goals too!  The teacher who sells the most candy bars will get a half day off work while Mrs. Cramer teaches the class!!  Oh, PLEASE let it be ME!

FALCONS Culture Assembly

Our January Culture Assembly honored James and Claudia for being a Kingsbury Falcon! 

We're so proud of you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's a half day!

Winter weather (freezing rain, sleet, and a little snow) landed us at home for half the day!  

Woo, hoo!!  Let's go home!!

Kevin and I are so excited to be going home.  I plan on hopping into my pajamas with a cup of hot chocolate while I work on updating this blog!   I wonder what Kevin will do?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Class News Jan. 14-18

What’s New 
in Grade Two?
January 14-18, 2013


Our field trip on Wednesday to the Pink Palace was very exciting!  For many, it was a first time to ride on a school bus.  They were amazed by all the historical artifacts, especially the dinosaur bones and, of course, the motion-censored dinosaur that moves and roars!  The IMAX experience, watching The Living Seas, seemed so real!   It felt like we were actually moving with the ocean and swimming with the jellyfish.        

Thank you, Mr. Robinson, for planning and organizing the trip!    

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to T'Kaylan Oliver and LaCora Cooks last week.  They will be missed terribly.  We wish them lots of luck as they move to a new home and school!

Maricela Analco joined our class this week!  Welcome back to Kingsbury!

Wednesday 8am is our Culture Assembly where James and  Claudia will be honored for their FALCONS Core Values.  They are very excited to receive their new T-shirt!  Parents, you are invited. Don't forget to bring your camera!

Friday will mark the 100th day of school!  We'll do lots of activities throughout the day to celebrate.

Our class is still in need of Band-aids, Hand-Sanitizer, and Kleenex!!!!  Hint, Hint J

Important Dates

Jan 16             Culture Assembly 8am
Jan 18             100th Day of School
Jan. 21            MLK Day! No School
Jan. 22            Candy Bar Sales begin

Feb. 18            No School 
                        Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-3pm

Mar. 11-15     Spring Break
Mar. 29          Good Friday

Apr. 23-26      TCAP Testing

May 22           Last Day of School!

Reading/Language Arts

Story: Life Cycle of a Pumpkin (Expository Non-Fiction)
Comprehension: Fact and Opinion, Ask Questions
Grammar:  Adjectives: Number, Size, and Shape
Fluency:  Accuracy, Pace, Intonation 
Current goal = 74-84 wpm
End of year goal = 120 wpm
Spelling/Phonics: Vowels oo, u
Vocabulary: Homophones, Antonyms, and Context Clues

Click here for online activities to support this weeks skills.


Word list
put   cook   stood   full   wood   July   shook   push  
pull   brook   hook   hood   pudding   cushion   footprint

Click here to play games on  Choose the title of this week's story.

Dictation Sentences
I wore a hood when I stood by the brook.
Do not push or pull that big hook!


Subtract one digit numbers for speed and  fluency
Subtract two-digit numbers with and without regrouping


Recognize that plants and animals are made up of smaller parts
Identify the parts of plants and animals that allow it to use food, water, and air
Compare a variety of animals to determine how they meet their basic needs

Social Studies

Identify basic human needs 
Classify needs and wants using pictures of common items
Understand fundamental economic concepts (goods, services, consumers, and producers)

Pink Palace and the IMAX